Fish – fresh, smoked or served between the halves of a bread roll

... is available from our shop at the Alter Holzhafen in Wismar, on our ‘Minna von Friedrichskoog’ cutter, and from our mobile food truck.

Fresh fish

At the Seeperle, every fish aficionado will find something to suit their taste. We sell freshly caught seafood from near and far, dead or alive, and – where desired – with suitable recipes.

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Smoked fish

Our great selection of delicious smoked fish specialities is equally popular with young and old, at parties and for dinner.

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Pickled and soused fish and salads

Those who prefer their herring, mackerel and other fish in the form of rollmops, marinated fried herring or in a salad, will also find a wide selection of pickled and soused fish specialities and salads at the Seeperle.

Rollmops, matjes and friends       Fish salads

To the 'Oberdeck'
We are

Open daily from 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.